Thread the Needle
Friends S3:E8 – God, it was awful. Like many Americans, it was one of the most disturbing nights of my life. It just felt so violating. Not because conservatism was upsetting progressivism. As unfortunate as the political ramifications are, I’ve lived through tough election beats before. They hurt, for sure, but nothing like this. This was violating on a much deeper level. Because this election, at his core, had become…
Read more...Tags:Donald Trump , Election 2016 , Friends , Hillary Clinton , Kate McKinnon , Leonard Cohen
Make America Good Again
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Can you vote for Donald Trump and also be a responsible citizen? In my humble opinion, the answer is no. I’m not trying to be hyperbolic. This is not an attempt to say something sensational to generate clicks. It is my sincere opinion that the two are mutually exclusive. To be clear, I’m not trying to argue that voting for Donald Trump makes you a bad person. My goal here…
Read more...I’m With Michelle Obama
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Yesterday afternoon, First Lady Michelle Obama addressed Hillary Clinton 2016 supporters about the controversy surrounding Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump’s Access Hollywood video and subsequent allegations of sexual misconduct that have surfaced since its release. No further explanation is needed. Below is the video and full transcript of the most powerful speech that has been delivered during the 2016 General Election campaign to date. Text of the full…
Read more...Amazing Discoveries
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Friends S3:E4 – “There’s got to be a better way!” Turning to my Amazing Discoveries co-host, “Wow. That’s really profound and topical, Kevin. After watching that debate last night, I think you’re flingin’-flangin’ right.” Hey there, everybody. Have you caught your breath from witnessing Donald Trump’s attempt to drag the entire country through the mud last night? Speaking of amazing discoveries, Trump’s Access Hollywood video, tho. Now that’s what I…
Read more...Tags:Donald Trump , Election 2016 , Friends , Hillary Clinton
Hold Me Close Young Tony Danza
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Friends S3:E1 – But oh how it feels so real lying here with no one near. Only you and you can hear me when I say softly…(pause)…slowly…(wait for it)…hold me close young Tony Danza. Count the headlights on the highway. YO! YO! YO! How the heck are you, my BFGFF’s (Big Freindly Giant Friends Fans)? Can you believe it? After a long and relaxing summer break, we’re finally back for…
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Open Letter to Secretary Clinton
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Dear Secretary Clinton, Some people think that I am supporting your opponent, Senator Sanders, because I want the boys to like me, or because I am not a true feminist or Democrat. I have been told that I must be an idiot by some of your supporters for supporting Sanders instead of you, and you have—most condescendingly—said that you “feel sorry” for people like me (Sanders supporters). I am a…
Read more...Tags:Bernie Sanders , Debbie Wasserman Schultz , Democratic Party , Election 2016 , Hillary Clinton
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